Sunday, March 10, 2013

Branching out...

Though this blog was originally created to document my henna research and journey in the SCA, I have decided to add my research and projects in Persian studies as well. Along with research henna in the medieval period, I am working to develop my persona and garb from Safavid Iran.

While I have been working on creating garb appropriate to the period for several years, I feel I am just now really getting into the "good stuff"... creating a full outfit, using more appropriate fabrics, and adding the accessories such as head wear, jewelry, and footwear.

My next two projects will be dealing with head wear, specifically braid casings a veils, and creating a prototype of a period pouch.

More info and pictures to come...

1 comment:

  1. So... plans changed and other opportunities presented themselves. Instead of entering Persian head wear into Regional A&S I was able to go with my original plan on a henna project.More info to come in my next blog post!
